Category: Social Media

How Social Signals Affect SEO

How Social Signals Help SEO

You may have heard of social signals before, but a lot of people don’t know exactly how they work for SEO purposes. There’s a lot of misconceptions regarding social signals and SEO, so I’m going to try to clear up some of the confusion for you. Keep in mind, while a lot of this is … Continue reading "How Social Signals Help SEO"

Keith Anderson

Don’t Underestimate Pinterest

You’ll want to Pin this! Pinterest boasts over 200 million active users a month. A massive 87% of those users reported having purchased a product found on the platform. Most of us associate Pinterest with recipes, crafts, and DIY tips, but it’s so much more than that. Users don’t only visit the platform for ideas … Continue reading "Don’t Underestimate Pinterest"

Elyse Espinosa

How to Get New Patients for a Dental Practice

In addition to having a dedicated, well-trained team of professionals and good word of mouth, a strong marketing strategy is essential in obtaining new patients at your dental practice. Below is a list of key tactics that will help build your online presence and take your practice to the next level! The Website is Step … Continue reading "How to Get New Patients for a Dental Practice"

Jarrod Smith

Dental Office Marketing Strategies

Good dental marketing starts with good word of mouth. Having a dedicated, well-trained staff will make all the difference in getting consistently good reviews and referrals. A clear-cut marketing strategy will help you utilize tools beyond just word of mouth to advertise and develop visibility to new, prospective patients. Using all of the tools listed … Continue reading "Dental Office Marketing Strategies"

Jarrod Smith

The Role of Social Marketing in SEO

With all of the talk today about Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, it’s important to understand the role of social media outlets like these and the relationship they have with search engine optimization. The internet is always evolving, and these days it’s all about providing users with a unique experience based on their own content … Continue reading "The Role of Social Marketing in SEO"

Keith Anderson