SEO Tips, Tricks & How-To's
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The Role of Social Marketing in SEO
With all of the talk today about Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, it’s important to understand the role of social media outlets like these and the relationship they have with search engine optimization. The internet is always evolving, and these days it’s all about providing users with a unique experience based on their own content … Continue reading "The Role of Social Marketing in SEO"

Choosing a Good Domain Name
One of the most important factors in getting your website to rank with Search Engine Optimization used to be the domain name you chose. That may not be the case going forward, but it still plays a huge role in the success of your business. In the past, if you wanted your site to easily … Continue reading "Choosing a Good Domain Name"

Alexa Introduces Voice Recognition SEO
It’s not just about mobile phones, laptops and PC’s anymore. If you want your business to leverage forward, you need to be ready for the next piece of technology that’s bound to take over. And smart devices might just be what you should be looking at. Amazon Alexa entered the market in 2014 and it’s … Continue reading "Alexa Introduces Voice Recognition SEO"

The Google Medic Update – How to Recover
While Google releases an algorithm update every so often, some are more noticeable than others and the Google Medic update made a good example of that. Google’s new broad core algorithm update at the beginning of August affected numerous sites, with many site owners seeing a downward spiral of their site rankings. Among the sites … Continue reading "The Google Medic Update – How to Recover"

SEO Trends That Are Dominating 2018
Mastering the art of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be a huge advantage if you want to leverage past your competitors. However, with Google’s frequent changes to their ranking algorithm, you’ll find it difficult (see: impossible) to stay up to date with everything going on unless you plan to devote your entire day to keep up … Continue reading "SEO Trends That Are Dominating 2018"

5 Reasons SEO Companies Don’t Work
Technology changes so fast these days that it’s essential for an SEO professional to stay on top of not only monthly and weekly developments, but changes that are occurring on a daily basis. It will become evident pretty quickly when your SEO company is using outdated techniques that no longer work. Most small business owners … Continue reading "5 Reasons SEO Companies Don’t Work"